Colorful advertising images with strong sales messages are the primary focus of attention in narrow spaces like elevator cabins. With a repetition frequency of 180-360 times per day, they provide a noticeable reminder effect compared to other forms of media.

Learn more about advertising quote in elevators
We divide the poster frame advertising in elevators (DP) into two different packages: DP A and DP A Plus, which vary in frequency of appearance to suit the needs and budget of customers.
Technical specifications:
* Package DP A
– Screen type: Vertical LCD, sizes 17’ – 24’
– Installation location: Inside the elevator cabin
– Minimum repeat frequency: 180 times/day
– Minimum repeat cycle: 4 minutes each time
– Playback duration: 5-10-15-30 seconds
– Maximum number of brands: 16
– Format: Static images.
* Package DP A Plus
– Screen type: Vertical LCD, sizes 17’ – 24’
– Installation location: Inside the elevator cabin
– Minimum repeat frequency: 360 times/day
– Minimum repeat cycle: 2 minutes each time
– Playback duration: 5-10-15-30 seconds
– Maximum number of brands: 8
– Format: Static images
Target audience for the building’s elevator channel

Coverage of the 4 “High” Target Audience
Advantages of Poster Frame advertising channels in buidings’ elevators
- Compulsory Nature: The devices are installed in areas that viewers must pass through daily, making it a mandatory communication channel with no alternatives. During idle waiting times for the elevator, viewers have no choice but to watch the advertisements.
- Precision Targeting: The audience is precisely defined, covering consumers aged 18-47, characterized by the “Four Highs”: High Education, High Income, High Purchasing Power, and High Brand Recognition. This group represents the primary consumer demographic in society and has the ability to influence the purchasing decisions of those around them, thus driving overall consumption in society.
- High Advertising Frequency: The high frequency of broadcasts enhances brand recall and the memorability of advertising messages.
- Constrained Space: The limited space is free from external distractions, making it easier for viewers to remember the advertising content.